Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So today is Tuesday, the easiest day of my school week. I just have one class: Physics Discussion from 1430 to 1520. This is pretty much the bane of my existence. Last semester we had the same idea once a week, except we did many challenging problems where the professor expected us to know our stuff. This year we go through an average of 4-5 problems per discussion, and the problems are considerably easy. I understand that some people may need help with some of these problems, but honestly, the easiest problem on the homework assignment is about equivalent to the hardest problem during these discussions. It wouldn't even be terrible if the professor spoke to us like we were intelligent, but the way she words things and the questions she asks makes me feel just a tad like a five year old. As boy Sam said: "This [is] an insult to my intelligence." (No disrespect, the professor seems nice enough, but come on...)

But it ended, so it's alright. After getting back, it was time for Linear Algebra homework! I completed that in around 2 hours, not too many issues there. Then dinner happened. Pretty standard - chicken, some kind of ricey thing, cookies, grape/apple juice. My stomach was a little upset and I was feeling a little down, which was weird because I had just finished Linear homework! So I investigated and realized it wasn't Physics Discussion reoccuring in my memory (oh the horror!), it was just the last week or so being played back. Remembering things almost always allows me to dredge up something bad or become disappointed over some minor detail that's happening around me (I've had considerable training around this phenomenon before, and it has stuck around). But oh well, nothing noteworthy. I'm pumping myself up with some Weezer right now, so things are looking on the upside. I only have the second half of Mark, then a good deal of Biblical Hebrew homework left (looking forward to this).

Sometimes I feel like I'm excessively harsh or critical of other people, but honestly I feel like I'm just a little stricter than most. Most people will put up with douche-baggery and general asshats. I don't. I like being an accepting and nice person, but it really gets at me when people act insincerely and hostilely. (This is not the reason why I was upset at dinner, merely a side occurence, go figure) Ah well, I haven't had to fight anyone yet, no reason to start now. I think I've just been in an ornery mood this week. Ah well, I can always just hope someone nice knocks on my door randomly and gives me a genuine occasion to smile out of the ordinary. I think random acts of kindness are some of the most beautiful things in the world.

Alrighty, back to the grind.


  1. i made u a cookie but i eated it. :)

    You missed it, Carol and Dan came over tonight, and just left. Well, technically just came back in and left again as I'm typing this.

    Oh, but Dan said that the night when I went to the hospital with my esplodin' appendix, you told him you had some premonition of doom? Is that TRUE? Did you tell me but I was too drugged up to remember? :) Weird!

  2. feel better...and be happy...try not to worry...i know you don't believe, be he cares.
