Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I just completely lost the poem I was writing here...
I don't think I've felt very much worse in my life than right this moment..

All that I can remember:


Allow me to sing [your heart a lullaby], my dearest

May your heart be soft,
Though your head lie weary;
And [your soul be] loft,
With [your eyes] so cheery.
The world is for you
O Joy and the dearest
With an angel in blue,
To my heart you are nearest.

The title, the first line, and (most of) the last stanza. There were four stanzas. 12/10/10/8 lines, with 8/8/8/(5/6) syllables each. AABB/AABB/AABB/ABAB.

It was so beautiful... It meant so much...

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