Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I've been going to bed around 2200 lately, so being up this late I'm rather exhausted. Listening to that George Winston piano music CD again. I've always really liked solo piano music, and his is simple enough that it really sets a good somber tone. It's still complex enough to move the pieces forward, though, and create at least a small range of emotions. It's just easier to listen to than most music because it's simple and only one instrument.

I think I'm moving on to FEAR 1 now in the video games department. I just beat FEAR 2 and read the whole field guild for it to get the backstory on everything that has happened. This all made me curious because it set a lot of things from the first game straight and pulled a lot together which were not made clear to me playing through the first game (I have a few times). This means it's back to the first game to see how it all plays out with the foreknowledge I now have! (And besides, the gameplay in the first one is simply a lot better, even though there are a few good guns in the second one). Also, FEAR 2 completely ignores the FEAR 1 expansions, so I can just lol my way through those. I also kind of want to play Oblivion, but everytime I go back to it now I can't seem to find a class that's fun. I guess my main problem with the game is finding goals to achieve that I haven't done already and that are actually fun and not just tedious or pointless.

I have a new scene planned for the book, and it can be taken in any one of many directions depending on what I actually want to do with the story. I've had a lot of ideas over the past few months before I really considered writing a story, so I may try milling my memories and see what comes up.

I think it's bed time for me now. There were a lot more important things to say, but those usually don't come out. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.


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